If you talk about serious guitar, there are a few names in Germany that have to be mentioned. Gregor Hilden is one of them.
The German Gitarre & Bass magazine is spot on by calling his playing an „effortless, fluid and elegant“ mixture of Soul, Blues & Jazz. Gregor´s favourite guitar players from early on reflect his economic and sensitive style very well: Peter Green, Larry Carlton and B.B. King. Gregor asked me if I could make him some pickups which were able to reproduce Green´s legendary out-of-phase sound that Gregor was getting out of his own No.1 ´68 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop „The Golden Voice“. And I did it. That´s the story behind the new HB GH Golden Voice Set.

Here Gregor plays his Les Paul "Golden Voice". The sound served as a model for the Kloppmann HB GH Golden Voice Pickup Set.
Photos by Manfred Pollert

Gregor Hilden´s signature pickups are the weapon of choice for all the Peter Green aficionados who love the nasal, honky out-of-phase sound from albums like Fleetwood Mac „Live in Boston“. With a semi-hollow ES-style guitar you could even get the typical ´60s B.B. King sound. These pickups react very sensitive to the player´s input. As Gregor reports: „The Golden Voice Set sounds so clear and open and responds so sensitive on my picking dynamics, it´s unbevlievable! I never had new pickups that sounded so musical, no matter what style you play! Andreas Kloppmann is very pleased about this high praise: Oh, well!