Award winning guitarist Marcus Deml has a worldwide following of fans and music lovers based on his work with “Errorhead“ and now with „The Blue Poets“ A big part of the attraction is his larger than life Stratocaster tone to which I have been honored to contribute.
We have been working together since the „Modern Hippie“ album in 2008. This cooperation resulted in the Errorhead set which is in Marcus´s opinion probably the best balanced HSS set on the market.
The new „Blue Poet“ ST-Set provides all the sounds and nuances of a vintage Stratocaster pickup set with the advantage of a special voiced bridge pick-up capable of both screaming and whispering. It performs beautifully with the entire tones range from crystal clean through crunch to high gain. Once again special attention was given to the balance of each of the 5 positions. An extra blend pot for hum cancelling – a must-have for Marcus – is also an attractive option for the Blue Poet Set.

Blue Poet Set clean:
Blue Poet Set crunch:
Blue Poet Set driven:

For Marcus‘ black Strat with HSS configuration (bridge humbucker and single coils) the two sound doctors, Deml and Kloppmann developed a special set: with the singlecoils from the Real 62 Strat set and a special new humbucker, the HB-DML.The Real 62 Strat pickups sound fatter and earthier than the ST60 set.The HB-DML has a coilsplit and offers the best of both worlds. While displaying all the biting legendary Kloppmann humbucker drive, the singlecoil has the true, authoritative Strat tone.

Hear and see Marcus play his Errorhead SSH Set in his black 80’s Fender American Vintage 57 Strat:
Here Marcus plays Little Wing on his ‘63 Strat with a Kloppmann ST60 Set: